Sun, 24 Jun 2007

Howard Politics

Kristy, I completely agree that something needs to be done to stop the abuse of children. My point was about politics and process, not the policy itself.

What I do object to is the way in which Mr Howard is using this issue for political purposes. If he really considers this a national emergency, relevant leaders would have been consulted - or at least notified - of the policy prior to any announcement. Instead, Mr Howard attempted to get agreement from leaders while they learnt of his plan under media scrutiny. Doing this serves only one purpose, to paint him as a strong leader and put other leaders on the back foot. That is not about helping the children, its about winning an election.

In response to a couple of criticisms:
  • After 'children overboard' and locking kids up in detention centres for years, I don't think its wise to *trust* that Mr Howard's policy will be implemented in a way that is far better than how it initially sounds.
  • Yes, as a society we pay for child abuse. We also pay for racism, governmental overreaching and political manipulation.
  • Questions that this policy could cause long term damage for indigneous Australians, and possibly perpetuate the abuse of children, deserve decent answers - not spin.

    Also, just how regularly do need to blog to avoid having to show taste and insight? :-P

    [/politics] permanent link

    Sat, 23 Jun 2007

    Howard on message.... I mean, Howard on Indigenous Child Abuse

    Interviewer: So isn't your new initiative over reaching?
    Howard: Well possibly, but won't someone think of the children?!?
    Interviewer: OK.  So is it possible that your new laws are 
    Howard: Well possibly, but won't someone think of the children?!?
    Interviewer: Isn't it possible that you'll alienate Aboriginal
    Howard: Well possibly, but won't someone think of the children?!?
    Interviewer: Is it possible that this will cause long term
                 damage to these communities?
    Howard: Well possibly, but won't someone think of the children?!?
    Interviewer: Aren't you just overriding the States and Territories?
    Howard: Well possibly, but won't someone think of the children?!?
    Interviewer: Aren't your new laws racist by imposing
                 restrictions only to Indigenous Communities?
    Howard: Well possibly, but won't someone think of the children?!?
    Interviewer: What evidence do you have that shows prohibiting
                 alcohol and pornography will prevent child abuse?
    Howard: Well possibly, but won't someone think of the children?!?
    Interviewer: OK.  So what about the children you locked up in
                 detention centers?
    Howard: Well possibly, but won't someone think of the children?!?
    Interviewer: So is it true they've been throwing their children
    Howard: Well possibly, but won't someone think of the children?!?
    Interviewer: Doesn't this enable you to escape any legitimate
                 criticism of your policy by using political spin to claim
                 this is only about the children?
    Howard: Well possibly, but won't someone think of the children?!? 

    [/politics] permanent link

    Thu, 15 Mar 2007

    FuckWits 1.0

    People! Stop adding 2.0 to the end of names... Please!
    [/tech] permanent link

    Tue, 09 Jan 2007


    Jo and I spend the last 4 weeks traveling through Singapore, Spain (Seville, Granada, Valencia and Barcelona) and Sweden (Stockholm, Kiruna, Lulea, Hoga Kusten and Lake Siljan). Load of pictures here.

    [/travel] permanent link