Thu, 02 Mar 2006
Some snippets from the land of

Dunedin was fun. There are some photos here.
One particular night, we went out to a bar to grab some beers (this
was regular ( read: every night) occurance during the conf). We
ended up standing outside but then a bouncer came up and said we had
to have a seat if were to remain outside. So, while we were gathering
out thoughts, the bouncer also said " Hey, are you guys at that Linux
" Yeeeaah?" we replied.
" Well, I'm studying and I use Debian all the time!" he said
back, much to our amusement. We talking to the bouncer for a while
longer as we started to head inside.
Then over came another bouncer who was a huge scary looking guy. He
comes up and says "Hey, I'm a Debian user too!". Hence we now have
The Depricator! (see picture)
The current Liberal government is nuts!
Some CControl stuff happening. I have a Mercurial repo here, if you want to
try my additions and merges with other people. I'm starting to get
into Mercurial which is
great for a distributed project like this.
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